DigitalOcean Welcomes Cloudways to the Family | CSS-Tricks

[ad_1] Hey folks! If you’ve been keeping up with the latest DigitalOcean news, you might be aware that we recently announced our acquisition of a company called Cloudways. In case you’re curious about what this means, we thought it might be helpful to share a short description of Cloudways and why we’re pumped to have them join the DO and CSS-Tricks family! What is Cloudways? Many of the technologies and

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Finding Front-End Development Scholarships | CSS-Tricks

[ad_1] I’m often asked where to learn web development. The answer varies, of course, and we’ve published a few posts on the topic over the years, the most recent of which was Chris taking a stab at different learning paths in 2020. The answer doesn’t have to be school. But sometimes it is, and if your goal is to earn a degree in front-end web development from a college or

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Behind the CSScenes, November 2022 | CSS-Tricks

[ad_1] Is it Fall? Winter? I don’t know, but I woke up with snow in the front yard this morning and felt like it was time to write a little update about what’s been happening around CSS-Tricks this past month, as we’re known to do from time to time. First up is the CSS-Tricks Newsletter! It’s starting to feel like we’re getting our rhythm down after months of hiatus. The

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Classy and Cool Custom CSS Scrollbars: A Showcase | CSS-Tricks

[ad_1] In this article we will be diving into the world of scrollbars. I know, it doesn’t sound too glamorous, but trust me, a well-designed page goes hand-in-hand with a matching scrollbar. The old-fashioned chrome scrollbar just doesn’t fit in as much. We will be looking into the nitty gritty details of a scrollbar and then look at some cool examples. Components of a scrollbar This is more of a

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CSS Grid and Custom Shapes, Part 3 | CSS-Tricks

[ad_1] After Part 1 and Part 2, I am back with a third article to explore more fancy shapes. Like the previous articles, we are going to combine CSS Grid with clipping and masking to create fancy layouts for image galleries. CSS Grid and Custom Shapes series Should I read the previous articles before? It’s not mandatory but highly recommended to cover as many tricks as possible. You can also

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What CSS Do You Absolutely Have to Know in 2022? | CSS-Tricks

[ad_1] Sacha Greif openly wondered whether CSS has gotten to be, you know, too big. With all the goodies that’ve shipped in browsers the past couple of years — container queries! relative color syntax! cascade layers! logical properties! ranges in media queries! individual transforms! :has() selector! — and all of what’s on the possible horizon — CSS Toggles! nesting! color mixing! scroll-linked animations! scoped styles! — there’s definitely a different

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Managing CSS Styles in a WordPress Block Theme | CSS-Tricks

[ad_1] The way we write CSS for WordPress themes is in the midst of sweeping changes. I recently shared a technique for adding fluid type support in WordPress by way of theme.json, a new file that WordPress has been pushing hard to become a central source of truth for defining styles in WordPress themes that support full-site editing (FSE) features. Wait, no style.css file? We still have that. In fact,

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A Couple Changes Coming in Chrome 108 | CSS-Tricks

[ad_1] “A change to overflow on replaced elements in CSS”: From Chrome 108, the following replaced elements respect the overflow property: img, video and canvas. In earlier versions of Chrome, this property was ignored on these elements. This means that an image which was earlier clipped to its content box can now draw outside those bounds if specified to do so in a style sheet. So, image, video, and canvas elements that were once

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Some Links About CSS Gradients | CSS-Tricks

[ad_1] Every once in a while, the blogging zeitgiest seems to coalesce around a certain topic and it’s like the saved articles in my bookmarks folder are having a conversation. The conversation sitting in there now is all about CSS Gradients and I thought I’d link some of the more interesting pieces. Day 22: conic gradients — Manuel Matuzovic looked at conic gradients on Day 21 of his 100-day series

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