
Talking about what’s next in Drupal 10, Dries talked about the Olivero initiative, which Mike Herschel is leading. Olivero is Drupal’s new front-end theme and is stable. Dries said that the theme is gorgeous, and it is the most accessible theme that has ever shipped in the history of Drupal. (On 28th April 2022, the last day of DrupalCon Portland, Olivero was made the new default Drupal 9/10 theme through a live commit during the Trivia Night.)

Then he moved on to talk about Claro, the new backend or admin theme. It is stable and is now the new default theme of Drupal 10. There were a few accessibility issues that needed to be fixed, which they addressed at the DrupalCon Portland.

He thanked Laurie and Christina, the initiative leads, and Angie, a core committer who committed the patch from the hotel.


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