IDC forecasts that cloud infrastructure spending will exceed $90 billion in 2022.

In Q1 2022, IDC found that spending on compute and storage infrastructure products for cloud deployments – including dedicated and shared environments – increased 17.2 percent year-over-year to $18.3 billion.

The firm’s analysts note the strong growth is despite “tight supply of some system components and disruptions in transportation networks.”

Dedicated cloud infrastructure spending increased an impressive 20.5 percent year-over-year in Q1 2022 to reach $5.9 billion. 47.8 percent of the infrastructure was deployed on-prem.

Spending on shared cloud infrastructure also continues to grow healthily with $12.5 billion spent in Q1 2022, a 15.7 percent year-over-year increase. IDC expects spending on shared cloud infrastructure to surpass non-cloud infrastructure for the first time in 2022.

Overall, IDC forecasts cloud infrastructure spending to grow 22 percent in 2022 compared to 2021 to hit $90.2 billion.

Long-term, the company expects spending on compute and storage cloud infrastructure will have a compound annual growth rate of 14.5 percent between 2021-2026 to reach $145.2 billion.

(Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash)

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Tags: cloud, cloud infrastructure, dedicated cloud, enterprise, IDC, Infrastructure, report, research, shared cloud, spending

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