Generate Sitemaps using Simple XML Sitemap in Drupal

The Simple XML Sitemap automatically generates a XML sitemap for your Drupal website whilst adhering to Google’s latest recommendations and guidelines. There are various customizations that this module allows, all of which are listed in more detail on the module’s page. This tutorial will show you how to install this module and configure it on content types, links, menus and view pages. Drupal SEO Series using Metatag Getting Started You can

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Drupal is for ambitious site builders

With Drupal 10 around the corner, it’s time to start laying out Drupal 11’s development roadmap. It’s important we begin that work by reflecting on Drupal’s purpose. Drupal’s purpose has evolved over the years. In the past, the goal might have been to build the world’s most powerful CMS. Today, I believe Drupal has become much bigger than a CMS alone. Drupal enables everyone to participate in an Open Web.

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The epic story of the last week of how Drupal’s frontend and backend look changed after 11 years at DrupalCon Portland

Last week was DrupalCon Portland, our first in-person big DrupalCon back together with 1300+ attendees. I was fortunately one of the attendees along with leaders of in-the works Drupal admin theme Claro and frontend theme Olivero. Both Claro and Olivero have been in the works for years, and both were quite close to get done, yet we did not even dream of getting both be the new defaults in Drupal

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Hell is Programming a Calendar (Part 1)

A project team is managing a site for people to see events in their local community. The client asks the team to make a (seemingly) pretty simple feature; they want logged-in users to be able to make their own events. The site already lets admins do this, so it shouldn’t be too bad. The team agrees it should take about two days of dev work, assign it, and move on.

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Sustainable backend web development | Factorial

A website can be further accelerated by using a content delivery network (CDN). In this case, a third-party provider is used to deliver resources and provides specialized servers for this purpose. If a CDN is used, the latency time for accessing resources is reduced: an independent network of caching servers distributed over geographically sensible locations ensures that content only has to cover the shortest possible routes for delivery. This reduces

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Sustainable web development | Factorial

The problem is not new Incidentally, this is also the case with the use of the bandwidth available to us. If you look at the information content of each megabyte transmitted, it has developed almost antiproportionally to the bandwidth: The actual utility of the transmitted data is getting smaller and smaller, while the bandwidth is getting larger and larger. Economist William Stanley Jevons noted as early as the mid-19th century

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Goodbye Internet Explorer | PreviousNext

It is Internet Explorer’s retirement next month (June 15th), and it’s well and truly time for you to stop supporting it on your website for any current and future development (you have already, I hope).  This also presents an opportunity to pull out any code solely because of Internet Explorer and start living in the modern (browser) world. That first part is easy. Sure, it’s pretty safe with a month

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Top Drupal blog posts from April 2022

What a month! April featured 2 amazing in-person Drupal events and a whole lot of great content. Here are some of our favorite reads from last month.   Drupal Dev Days Ghent 2022: sprints FTW! Let’s start with Wim Leers’ recap of the CKEditor 5 contribution sprint from Drupal DevDays 2022 in Ghent, Belgium – which was our first in-person Drupal event after 2 and a half years! Wim begins

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5 Best Sessions at DrupalCon Portland 2022

On April 25–28, 1,300 Drupalists came together in Portland, Oregon for the first in-person DrupalCon in more than two years. Even though this is just half of the event’s usual attendance (covid is still to blame), we were beyond excited to finally see our friends and partners in person. Nothing beats hanging out face to face. The pandemic may have caused the event’s usual crowd to shrink, but the number

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