As previously reported, the Community Health Team has started to have regular, bi-weekly meetings in an effort to develop and update the Code of Conduct for the Drupal community.

Community Health Team members present at this week’s meeting were

The main goal for this meeting was to get status updates from all tasks discussed at the previous meeting in an effort to better understand the Code of Conduct landscape in other communities. In addition, some updates were provided related to identifying other community stakeholders in the overall process of updating our Code of Conduct.

The following Codes of Conduct were reviewed by individual team members and discussed during the meeting:

Much of the discussion was related to how each Code of Conduct provided examples of negative and/or positive behaviors and the pros and cons of each approach. The level of prescription for infractions was also a common thread in the discussion, including how some CoCs provide very clear and precise guidance while others (like the current Drupal Code of Conduct) provide a great deal of leeway to those responsible for enforcement.

We also discussed the fact that many CoCs are not stand-alone documents, but rely on supporting documents, much like the Drupal Values and Principles.

Finally, a number of Drupal-related groups and individuals have confirmed their willingness to provide feedback to this effort as the process proceeds. If you, or a Drupal-related group, is interested in being part of this process, please let us know at drupal-cwg at drupal dot org.

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