As previously reported, a Code of Conduct committee of the Community Health Team has started to have regular, bi-weekly meetings in an effort to develop and update the Code of Conduct (CoC) for the Drupal community. This week’s meeting was our seventh consecutive bi-weekly meeting.

Members present were:

We sent out a “Revised Code of Conduct Elements” Google Doc for review to six volunteer stakeholders on August 18. All six people responded by adding comments and suggestions in the Google Doc. We failed to contact two stakeholders; we have since corrected this and extended the deadline until September 1 for those two stakeholders. We identified additional community stakeholders that we will invite to this review process, focusing on non-North American and non-Western European community members.

The document was composed of various elements and example text based on the team’s review of various other community Codes of Conducts over the past several months. It was divided into “must have”, “should have” and “nice to have” sections based on the committee’s previous research and discussion.

Stakeholder feedback was reviewed by the team and each suggestion and comment was discussed and acted on. Topics included (but not limited to) the paradox of tolerance, the use of easy-to-read English, examples of acceptable and unacceptable behavior,

Feedback from community stakeholders received included:

Looking at those who have commented so far, we need to reach out further than just US and the very western edge of Europe for input on this.

In many communities of color, ‘civility’ is a term that lets us know that space might be racist. I know that isn’t the intention here, so I would suggest revising this language to something like ‘Centering mutual respect in your interactions with others’ or just removing it altogether since you have captured the same sentiment in many places here.

We should also note here that the CoC itself should be written in easy to read English

I would suggest including a caveat […] that states: ‘and especially those most vulnerable’ or something similar to avoid the paradox of tolerance.

Our goal is to have an initial draft of a revised Code of Conduct by September 7 – work will proceed in the next two weeks towards that goal.

A number of Drupal-related groups and individuals have confirmed their willingness to provide feedback to this effort as the process proceeds. If you, or a Drupal-related group, is interested in being part of this process as a community stakeholder, please let us know at drupal-cwg at drupal dot org.

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