For most people, the move to Drupal 10 will feel mostly the same. It’s a no-drama upgrade with little fuss, but worth it nonetheless. Why?

For starters, sites need to stay current to continue receiving software updates, security patches and support. Like any software, Drupal need to be upgraded to stay viable.

But there are a few noteworthy new additions with Drupal 10, as well as some future additions you’ll want to have access to. 

New Themes

Drupal 10 comes with two new default themes – one for the back-end and one for the front-end.

Claro replaces Seven as the new admin theme. This is on the backend, where editors do their work. Claro is a clean, modern and more user-friendly theme that makes content creation easier and more elegant. On the front-end, Olivero replaces Bartik as the default theme, with many of the same advantages as Claro– a cleaner, more elegant, more modern interface and design. 

While our clients all work from custom themes on the front-end, the advantages (and first-impressions) to new users of Drupal is invaluable. On the back-end, we have been working with Claro for the past few years, prior to its new place as the code admin theme, and are excited to bring a better editorial experience to the site for content editors.


Drupal 8 came out with CKEditor as its core text editor included. This WYSIWYG tool made it easier for editors to enter content and do basic formatting such as HTML headers, lists, links, embedded media and more. 

With Drupal 10, CKEditor itself gets a upgrade, from version 4 to 5. While the core tool may seem mostly the same, version 5 is a complete rewrite and has a series of improvements for users.

The user interface has been modernized, and improved tools are included for managing media, links and tables within the editor. New “premium” features will be available for purchase as well, such as real-time collaboration, revision history and newer export tools.

New Features

Some of the new feature are available now, while others are coming soon. Either way, these are exciting developments for the Drupal community.

The Automatic Updates initiative is bringing a non-technical means towards keeping Drupal and your modules up-to-date, all managed within your browser. The Project Browser will allow users to browse and install available modules from within their Drupal installation (in the browser). These two initiatives are part of Drupal’s overall push to make the software easier to manage and use for everyone.

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