Share your case studies at the DrupalCon Europe 2022 Client & Industry track

Business Summit, DrupalCon Amsterdam 2014. Photo by pdjohnson
More and more organizations are seeking to embrace digital transformation and provide meaningful and captivating user experiences at a much faster pace. It has compelled enterprises to create new possibilities for their businesses through innovative services and products, improved ways of working, and agile business models. However, there are only a few platforms that support fast digital transformation. Enterprises and small businesses struggle to leverage the full potential of digital and fail to reach their target audiences at the right time.

That’s where Drupal and the power of open-source comes into the picture!

Drupal has become not just a top enterprise-class content management system but also a complete digital experience platform that is known for its reliability, interoperability, scalability, security and ease of customizations and integrations. Being one of the leading technologies in the market, Drupal works well with sophisticated websites and provides business agility to organizations across all industry verticals. More than 1 million sites are running on Drupal, including government websites, educational institution websites, celebrity websites, and websites of big brands. Companies such as Pfizer, Nestlé, Nokia, NASA, Habitat for Humanity, and DHL are already using Drupal to deliver content across all their channels.

One of the powerful ways through which organizations can drive digital transformation success is by delivering personalized, tailored content across multiple devices and digital channels that customers use to engage and interact. Drupal is at the forefront of digital transformation trends as it fosters deeper ties with customers. It is not just a static tool for building sites and pages but is a scalable and secure platform to create digital touchpoints and capture digital engagements. If you want to embark on a successful digital transformation journey, choosing Drupal can be a winning move.

Another advantage of open source is the people behind the software, in the case of Drupal, a community of more than 1.3 million members. Within this community we can connect and share best practices and lessons learned for managing large complex projects and pushing innovative boundaries using Drupal. With a whole community innovating, we often get new features before we know we need them.

No matter which path is taken, everyone can learn from each other. And that’s what DrupalCon Prague 2022 is all about. In the Client & Industry track we want to discuss how digital transformation can be a success for your company – and what role Drupal plays in this. We are looking forward to your questions and your ideas in order to become better together.

DrupalCon Prague 2022 on 20-23 September will cover a broad range of case studies and experiences by representatives of the organizations specialized in choosing the tools that promote their digital transformation. And it’s not only techs speaking, but also CMO’s, CTO’s, digital managers, agencies, and business/site owners using Drupal strategically. The key goal is to show how Drupal can adapt to fit projects of all shapes and sizes, across all industries.

The sessions are targeted to digital managers and executive decision makers using Drupal or considering the solution as their next content and digital experience management platform. Agency leaders, product owners, and tech leads can also benefit from the showcases in this track.

The showcases will add more business value if told by project owners from the companies themselves, or with the agencies alongside their clients. By sharing your journey using Drupal in your digital transformation, you will help existing and potential Drupal users (clients) learn innovative ways to improve Drupal, from Drupal users themselves.

The Client & Industry track typically covers the following areas:

  • Digital Transformation
  • Drupal Digital Experiences
  • Media & Publishing
  • Ecommerce
  • Government
  • Education & Non-Profit Organizations
  • Community Platforms
  • General Open Web


DrupalCon Amsterdam 2019. Copyright (c) Josef Dabernig

What can you showcase?

Here are some examples of what you can share through your case studies about your experiences with Drupal:


  • How you achieved agility, standardization, masterization, or implementation of new governance processes for Drupal projects that promote digital transformation and innovation within an organization
  • How you implemented innovative customizations or how you use Drupal in conjunction with other solutions.
  • How the unique capabilities and features of Drupal make it a one-stop solution for enterprises.
  • How Drupal serves as the foundation and stepping stone for building an integrated Commerce, Marketing, CRM, and ERP platform and delivering integrability, flexibility, and scalability at a reasonable cost.
  • Showcase reuse, cost savings, productivity efficiencies, and innovative customizations in organizational structures.
  • How Drupal has been extended to support multifaceted institutions and empower disparate and fragmented editorial teams.
  • How Drupal is used to build engaging and intuitive community platforms.
  • How we can continue to support our ability to access and publish on the open web and allow engaging and meaningful digital experiences.
  • How you have integrated sustainability in your Drupal ecosystem or used Drupal to create sites and channels to promote or track an organization’s sustainability 

We have listed some presentation topics above, but are open to new themes for the track. What has been your experience with implementing Drupal in your organization in the last few years? What types of governance processes have been put in place? What have been your successes and challenges? What have you learnt, and what you wish you knew before you started?

We’d love to hear about it! Send us your case study for the Client & Industry track and share it with the Drupal community. 

Not sure if your topic is right here? Don’t be afraid to choose the wrong track as all track chairs are in close contact and will consider moving your session to the best place.

Target Audience

The sessions target digital managers and executive decision-makers who use Drupal or are considering using it as their next digital experience management platform. Agency leaders, product owners, and tech leads can also take advantage of the sessions & workshops on this track.

Why Participate?

Because you will be able to:

  • Tell Your Story
    DrupalCon offers everyone a platform to showcase the best of your work. We want to know how you fostered innovation using Drupal for building community platforms, improving editorial experiences, creating eCommerce platforms, and delivering meaningful user experiences.


  • Give Back to the Community
    DrupalCon is an event for anyone who wants to learn Drupal to make a difference in others’ lives. It doesn’t matter whether you are a developer, designer, editor, or an end-user even. Simply put your ideas to work at contribution events and enjoy learning and being a part of one of the largest open-source communities in the world.

Submit your sessions now and help create the best program for DrupalCon Prague 2022!

Contact: Antonella Severo, antonellasevero, Track Chair Lead, Clients & Industry


Submit your session

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