DrupalCon Prague is next week with more than a thousand in-person attendees and leads of various key initiatives there. Meet the leaders of improvements to Drupal core and drupal.org and advance the platform together! Here are chances to meet them and connect.


The Drupal Initiative Leads keynote on Tuesday at 1:30pm will feature Lauri Eskola (CKEditor 5), Leslie Glynn (Project Browser), Ted Bowman (Automatic Updates), Marine Gandy (localize.drupal.org’s Drupal 9 port), Neil Drumm (drupal.org’s Gitlab), Alex Pott (Drupal recipes) and Gábor Hojtsy (Project Update Bot).

The Driesnote on Wednesday at 8:45am will also include an update on key initiatives as well as other exciting insights into where Drupal is headed.

Contribution day

All of the initiatives mentioned below will have key folks working on contribution day on Friday (23rd of September). Join them at their respective tables to be part of Drupal’s future!

Drupal 10

With Drupal 10 in beta in time for DrupalCon, its a good opportunity to look at how to prepare for it. Join Gábor Hojtsy for Getting Ready for Drupal 10 (sponsored by Acquia) on Wednesday at 1pm. Have success stories or challenges with porting your contrib projects to Drupal 10? Join in “Drupal 10 contrib porting office hours” on Thursday at 9:15am.

There are also still things you can help with for Drupal 10 itself, but there is no dedicated event to get involved with that. Search for the Drupal 10 table in the contribution space, which is sure to be there on Friday and may be on other days as well. We need help with testing the Drupal 10 upgrade, with PHP 8.2 compatibility issues, and with updating handbook documentation for the Drupal 10 upgrade.

Project Browser

Check out the Project Browser Initiative: Where We’re At session on Wednesday at 10:30am.

Leads Leslie Glynn and Chris Wells will be at DrupalCon. Find Chris at the contribution rooms most days to collaborate on project browser development. Meet Leslie at mentored contribution events to try project browser.

There are two dedicated testing sessions where you can get hands on with Project browser on Tuesday at 15:00: Usability Testing Project Browser (1) and right after that on Tuesday at 16:15 Usability Testing Project Browser (2). Join anytime, you don’t need to arrive for the start of the test.

There are two focused working BoFs as well to get involved. Project Browser Initiative – Let’s discuss Categories is on Thursday at 3:00pm. Project Browser: Re-evaluate Drupal.org Project Pages is on Wednesday at 3:00pm.

Automatic updates

While there is no dedicated Automatic Updates session, Ted Bowman is presenting ​​Package Manager: Powering Automatic Updates and Project Browser to Drupal’s easy Composer future to take a peak behind the scenes. David Strauss will also be in attendance.

While Automatic updates is stable, it would be great to get test results of it on various hosting environments. Join Ted and David on testing events on Tuesday at 15:00: Automatic updates hosting testing (2/1) and also on Tuesday at 16:16: Automatic updates hosting testing (2/1). Try the module on your hosts and discuss results live. You don’t need to arrive for the start of the testing events, join anytime!

Even if you are not at DrupalCon, you can follow the testing instructions and submit a report.

CKEditor 5

To learn about CKEditor 5 itself, don’t miss Wiktor Walc’s CKEditor 5 in Drupal 10: what is there to be excited about? on Tuesday at 16:15. Lauri Eskola will be presenting Reimagining text editing in Drupal Core: CKEditor 5 on Thursday at 11:30am to cover specifics to how its integrated in Drupal.

Looking into porting your CKEditor 4 extension module to CKEditor 5? Join Lauri and Wiktor on Wednesday at 15:00 at CKEditor contributed module porting office hour to discuss any challenges and get ideas on how to move forward.

CKEditor is also a conference sponsor, so you can talk to them throught the conference in the expo hall! Get a demo there!

Drupal recipes

Alex Pott and Tim Lehnen will present Drupal Starter Kits: From #Driesnote to Initiative on Wednesday at 5:15pm. Look for the recipes table in the contribution space especially on Friday!


Mike Herchel and Andy Blum will be presenting All the cool things you can do when you don’t support IE11 (and how we can use these in Drupal core) on Wednesday at 3pm, which will feature various examples from Olivero.

Olivero is stable and the default theme in core, and there are no major works planned for it at DrupalCon. That said, Mike is a very friendly person, so feel free to approach him and discuss ideas.


Interested in improving Drupal’s Core Web Vitals? There was some recent work on this, but the potential is huge!

Janez Urevc, Fabian Franz and Google’s Andrey Lipattsev will present Core Web Vitals: Improving the End User Experience of Drupal on Thursday at 12:45 covering their work to date, how to leverage these features, and a call for people to join in making further improvements.

Join the performance workshop to learn about analysis tooling and using those to identify areas for improvement, implementing the improvements and discussions on collaborating to further improve performance. Tag1 & Google Performance Workshop (sponsored by Tag1 & Google). You can even submit your website to be featured in the workshop!


Tim Lehnen from the Drupal Association is presenting a dedicated session about titled Drupal.org Update: Fostering community collaboration on Wednesday at 11:30am.

Folks like Fran Garcia-Linares and Neil Drumm working on the GitLab migration project will be at the event. Find them at the contribution tables or meet them at the Drupal Association desk at the exhibition.

Localize.drupal.org on Drupal 9

All of the key people in the initiative will be at DrupalCon! Felip Manyer i Ballester will present Drupal 9 localization server upgrade initiative: taking care of our translation tools for the Drupal community on Tuesday at 5:40pm.

Join the BoF for this initiative at 15:00-15:45 Wednesday: D9 localization server upgrade initiative (BoF) and make sure to provide your feedback through the online form, which will be promoted at the event on flyers at the sticker table and the contribution room.

And even more

These were just some of the top initiatives we are tracking and there will be a lot more things you can learn and be involved with at DrupalCon. Check out the full DrupalCon schedule for sessions and especially BoFs to get involved and make sure to join contribution spaces throughout the event and on Friday.

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