We are looking for an additional co-moderator for this group! Reach out to Jess or Johanna to learn more about what’s involved.

Our normally scheduled call to chat about all things Drupal and nonprofits will happen TOMORROW, Thursday, May 19 at 1pm ET / 10am PT. (Convert to your local time zone.)

We’ll be getting a report on the happenings at DrupalCon from those who attended, and then having an informal chat about anything at the intersection of Drupal and nonprofits. Got something specific on your mind? Feel free to share ahead of time in our collaborative Google doc: https://nten.org/drupal/notes!

All nonprofit Drupal devs and users, regardless of experience level, are always welcome on this call.

This free call is sponsored by NTEN.org and open to everyone. 

View notes of previous months’ calls.

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