Are you looking for ways to improve your marketing efforts? If so, consider using surveys to gather valuable data from your customers. Surveys can provide you with insights into what your customers want and need, which can help you create more effective marketing campaigns. In this blog post, we will discuss 5 tips for creating engaging surveys that generate actionable results.

#1 Keep your surveys short and to the point:

No one wants to spend a lot of time filling out a survey, so make sure your surveys are short and to the point. Ask only the most important questions that will help you gather the data you need. Usually asking fewer than ten questions is ideal. Avoid questions like “How satisfied are you with our product?” which can be difficult to quantify. Instead, try “What specific features do you like or dislike about our product?” This question is more likely to generate actionable results that you can use to improve your product.

For example, if you are surveying customers about their satisfaction with your product, you might ask questions such as:

-How satisfied are you with the product?

-What features do you like/dislike about the product?

-Would you recommend the product to a friend?

-What is your biggest complaint about the product?

If you must ask for a longer survey, consider breaking it up into sections with a progress bar so respondents can see how much longer the survey will take. You can also offer an incentive for completing the survey, such as a discount on your product or a free e-book.

Incentives are especially important if you’re surveying people who don’t already have a relationship with your brand. For example, if you’re conducting market research for a new product, you may want to offer a free sample of the product as an incentive for taking the survey.

#2 Keep your questions clear and concise:

Make sure your questions are easy to understand and answer. Avoid using jargon or technical terms that your customers may not be familiar with. Also, avoid asking multiple questions in one question (known as a double-barreled question). This can make it difficult for respondents to answer your question accurately. }

A bad question would like this :

-How satisfied are you with the product and would you recommend it to a friend?

A better question would be:

-How satisfied are you with the product?

-Would you recommend it to a friend?

Another tip is to use scale questions, such as rating questions on a scale of one to five

#3 Use a mix of question types:

Using a variety of question types can help you gather different kinds of data from your respondents. Some common question types include multiple choice, rating scale, and open-ended questions. Studies find that using a mix of question types can lead to higher quality data.

For example, if you want to know why customers are dissatisfied with your product, you might ask a multiple-choice question about the reasons for dissatisfaction and then follow up with an open-ended question asking for more details.

By using a mix of question types, you can also get a well-rounded view of your customer’s opinions and gather actionable data that you can use to improve your marketing efforts.

#4 Leverage the collected feedback to improve your marketing efforts:

After you have collected and analyzed your survey data, it’s important to use the feedback you gathered to improve your marketing efforts. If you find that customers are dissatisfied with a certain aspect of your product, take steps to improve it. If customers are having trouble using your product, make changes to make it more user-friendly. Also, use the feedback you gathered to develop new marketing campaigns and strategies that better address your customers’ needs for example, if you find that customers want more information about your product before they purchase it, create marketing materials that provide more details about the product.

#5 Time the survey:

When you release your survey can be just as important as the questions you ask. You don’t want to release a survey when your customers are busy or distracted (such as during the holidays) because you’re likely to get fewer responses. Instead, try to time the release of your survey so that it coincides with your audience. We previously covered this specific topic in this blog post:


Interested to find out more? Browse the rest of our blog for other marketing tips. If you’re ready to create your first email, survey, sign-up form, or landing page then register for a free trial to get the tools you need to build powerful marketing campaigns!


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