Drupal 10 is expected to be released on 14 December, 2022 which is a very good news for all webmasters using this great CMS on their website.

Drupal 10 expected to be one of the best releases ever with a lot of features to make managing websites easier and more powerful.

Although Drupal 10 has many promising features, here we are going to point 4 of the best news features of Drupal 10.

1. Simple Upgrade from Drupal 9 to Drupal 10

Thanks to the Upgrade Status, you will have a list of the level of effort needed to upgrade your Drupal 9 site to Drupal 10.

2. New Administration Theme

The old and boring admin theme of Drupal will be replaced with Claro which is a modern looking, faster and more user-friendly theme to bring better working experience for Drupal admins.

3. CKEditor 5

Drupal 10 brings all great features that CKEditor 5 has to help you more editing, creation experience.

The list of all features of CKeditor 5 can be accessed here.

4. Easy Theme Customizations using Starterkit

The new starterkit theme will allow front-end developers to get a copy as a starting point for their theme.

According to Drupal developers, Starterkit will serve front-end developers better by delivering more frequent updates to the default markup and CSS shipped as part of Drupal core.

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