How to run a new crawl on Full Site Check

When you run the crawler, it visits up to 200 pages and analyzes them in detail. This means it checks entire websites and portals for quality and looks for errors as easily and quickly as possible. Here’s how you run a new crawl via the Full Site Check on 360 Monitoring:

Enter the URL in the Full Site Check tab in your 360 Monitoring panel and choose between these two presets:

  1. Test run: Check 5 pages to see the functionality of the Full Site Check
  2. Default run: Check up to 200 pages on the given website

It’s as easy as that! Then you will see the qualitative results for all your pages, and get notified about issues, and advised on how to solve them. Handy, right?

Have you got a 360 Monitoring account yet? To use the new Full Site Check feature, create your account here, upgrade to a Pro Subscription, and start monitoring your sites easily.

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