‘Above the Fold’ Episode Recap: One Man, One LinkedIn Invite, One Digital Marketing Empire

You didn’t think we were gone, did you? We know, we know — it’s been a long time since we released a podcast. Jeff insists there’s a convoluted explanation involving three hernias and a root canal. Sure, Jeff. Possibly fictitious excuses aside, we’re back and totally on top of our game. You can tell because we have a guest who says things like “Oh, I’ve written a few books and

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How HTTP/3 Helps Feed SEO’s Need For Speed

The evolution of the web never stands still. As new technologies are developed, consumer behaviors change and the core infrastructure that underpins the internet is forced to adapt. The HTTP protocol – used to transfer data between client and server – has gone through a number of different iterations, all of which have enhanced the core functionality with new and exciting features. After an 18-year gap between the adoption of

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Tips For Top-Performing Brand Awareness Campaigns On Facebook Ads

One of the most underrated aspects of social media marketing is our channel’s ability to make a difference in any part of the funnel. As a whole, social media is a lot like a marketing multi-tool. Think about it. We may not be the sharpest conversion “knife” in the drawer, especially compared to brand search. But what we might lack in performance superiority, we more than make up for in

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Are You Web 3.0 Ready? 12 Steps For A Successful Social Media Audit

Web 3.0 is here. Have you considered a social media audit? Look in the mirror and ask, “Is my social media stuck in a Web 2.0 world?” A social media audit is like a health and wellness check-up for your brand’s digital marketing results, business outcomes, public relations, and brand awareness. Here are 12 tips for conducting a social media audit in a Web 3.0 world. 1. Schedule It Instead

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